The benefits of sobacha

Jan 21, 2024

Sobacha benefits

Also called buckwheat tea, sobacha (そば茶) is an infusion of toasted and crushed buckwheat that has been drunk in Japan for hundreds of years. Infused in cold or hot water, the buckwheat seeds thus processed offer a drink with a caramelized taste, between coffee and tea, without caffeine or tannins. Particularly digestible and good for your health, sobacha is very popular in Japan and increasingly well-known in France. What are the benefits of sobacha and why should you discover it without delay? Specializing in Japanese wellness drinks, we answer you in this article!


Reduces stress and fatigue

Facilitates digestion and transit

Contributes to strengthening natural defenses

Increases satiety without adding calories

Suitable for all audiences

7 good reasons to eat sobacha

How to benefit from the benefits of sobacha?

Reduces stress and fatigue

Buckwheat, and therefore soboacha, is naturally rich in vitamin B and minerals (magnesium, potassium and calcium). These elements make this drink a natural reducer of stress and fatigue.

Facilitates digestion and transit

Rich in fiber, especially insoluble fiber, sobacha also has the benefit of facilitating digestion and intestinal transit – hence its reputation as a detox drink. As a bonus, buckwheat and sobacha do not contain gluten or traces of gluten. If you tend to have bloating, this drink can be very interesting to consume at the end of the meal.

Contributes to strengthening natural defenses

Rich in antioxidants, and especially rutin, sobacha helps strengthen natural defenses. It reduces the symptoms of venous insufficiency, promotes blood circulation and protects small blood vessels. You support your entire body by consuming this drink.

Increases satiety without adding calories

Rich in fiber and vegetable proteins (around 12%) without providing calories, sobacha also has a very low glycemic index. These properties allow it to be an appetite suppressant drink. Its gourmet taste, close to hazelnut and chestnut, can also calm cravings. This makes it an excellent drink to accompany a dietary rebalancing and the adoption of a new dietary hygiene.

Suitable for all audiences

This last point is not entirely a benefit and yet: sobacha contains neither caffeine nor theine. In this, it is suitable for all audiences and in particular people who are sensitive to it, such as pregnant women, breastfeeding women, young children and the elderly. Moreover, you can therefore consume sobacha without risk throughout the day.

7 good reasons to eat sobacha

Drinking sobacha is interesting because this drink:

  • suitable for people sensitive or intolerant to gluten;
  • is free of stimulants and therefore does not cause agitation or insomnia;
  • contains powerful antioxidants;
  • does not raise blood sugar;
  • contains insoluble fibers which optimize intestinal transit;
  • effectively satiates without adding calories;
  • is rich in minerals (magnesium, calcium and potassium) and vitamin B

How to benefit from the benefits of sobacha?

To benefit from the benefits of sobacha, it is essential:

  • to drink enough sobacha per day
  • to choose your sobacha well

How much sobacha to drink daily?

You can drink as much sobacha as you want on a daily basis. The Japanese sip it throughout the day to benefit from the elements (antioxidants, minerals and vitamin B) that it provides.

Concerning its “one-off” benefits (aid for digestion and appetite suppressant drink), it will mainly be a question of taking it at the right time. Consume your sobacha 20 minutes before eating to benefit from the appetite suppressant effect and after eating for the detox effect.

How to choose your sobacha?

To benefit from all the benefits of sobacha, we can only recommend that you select a sobacha that is 100% buckwheat, without any other additives, and turn to organic farming. As a bonus, if you are French, we advise you to opt for a French sobacha: this will allow you to benefit from the standards of French and European organic farming (particularly demanding and therefore more protective of your health and the environment) and to limit the pollution of importing a Japanese product.

🌾 Maison Aimi's sobacha comes from organic buckwheat crops in France and Europe (AB Organic Agriculture label) whose seeds are hulled and roasted in our partner's workshop in Ariège then packaged and wrapped by hand by us. We offer it in a metal box (metal made in France) or in bulk (refill in paper bag) to reduce waste.

Sobacha Maison Aimi French and organic

Sobacha is a drink that is both delicious and rich in benefits that make it an excellent infusion to enjoy every day. As part of the implementation of a new dietary hygiene or just to treat yourself, we recommend that you try sobacha!